MSc in Applied Physics, Air Force Institute of Technology, 2022.
BSc in Astrophysics, Arizona State University, 2016.
Captain Tyler D. Doležal is a Department of the Air Force (DAF) sponsored graduate student joining the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a three-year academic tour in pursuit of his PhD before heading to the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) as a military assistant professor in the Applied Physics Department. Capt. Doležal is focused on developing a suite of computational tools and methods to guide the manufacturing and eventual commercialization of compositionally complex alloy systems, including high and medium entropy alloys. As an active duty servicemember, Tyler is committed to exploring research topics of great interest to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and their application to future and near-future national defense systems. In addition to advancing his own research and development expertise, Capt. Doležal continues to strengthen the relationship between the DOD, MIT, and other globally renowned research institutions and organizations.